Proposals for PTO Surplus

The PTO is soliciting your input to help us use our budget surplus (approx. $10,000) to benefit the students. We want to spend this money on resources that will have the greatest impact on our students in years to come. 

In years past, we've purchased things like ChromeBooks, author visits, playground equipment, a speaker system for the cafeteria, a microphone for the gym, extra clickers for Promethium boards, equipment for Morning Exercise Club, the PTO Shed, the white PTO tables, items for the Autistic Support Class, and extra teams for the 24 hour relay. 

Do you have any great ideas? Here's how you can make them a reality.

  1. Think about something you think the PTO could buy for the students. The greater the impact, the better.

  2. Research the cost associated, possible vendors and any additional information needed to make the purchase. The total cost should not exceed $10,000.

    • Get actual costs of items, labor, parts, etc.

    • Find out how the item(s) would be installed or delivered.

  3. Prepare a short presentation for the October PTO meeting on Oct. 4. If you cannot attend, someone will be able to make the presentation for you. 

  4. Come to the November PTO meeting to vote on how the surplus should be spent. 

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